Salisbury Beach

Salisbury Beach
Thank You Katie, Mary, Caitlin and Brian

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

16 May 2011 Fast America Day 23

Tuscola, IL to Lebanon, IN

Mileage:                     124.09 miles
Riding Time:              8:40     Riding Speed 14.3 mph
Total Time:                 9:10
Climbing:                    2822 ft.
Flats:                           0

The day started with 20 of the first 25 miles due N into a 20 mph headwind. I soon found myself with a four person paceline, and I hung out at the back; getting a free ride – it included our least experienced riders and I was content to go at their pace. But soon we were passed by two faster riders and I latched on to them. Once the route turned E, however, I was on my own for the rest of the day.

Rain threatened, but it never came. It was simply COLD. One of the challenges in this kind of weather is keeping my fingers warm so that they remain functional.

Rider Observations: There are a half dozen riders who are at about the same strength level as me. Now that I know them better, I can see interesting day-to-day observations. One day I am stronger, another day it is one of them. I think that this clearly shows the effects of getting proper sleep, hydration, food; and keeping a good mental attitude. Today, I was on top.

Dumb Move Number 2. Dumb Move Number 1 was trying to ride in the sand in Palm Springs. Today, at the Indiana border, I found a small group of riders stopped on the very narrow shoulder for the photo op at the sign. I grumbled to myself “Hey guys; pull off the road” and slowed to a stop for my own photo. By habit, I unclipped my right foot, and prepared to put it down; when I realized that the grass fell off steeply from the road shoulder and I could not reach the ground. I tumbled down the soft grass covered slope. No harm, but pretty embarrassing (see tomorrow’s blog for Dumb Move Number 3).

Indiana Two Lane Roads. If you ever ride the rural highways of Indiana – keep your eyes open and looking ahead. A small subset of Indiana drivers think that it is OK to pass at 70 mph in your lane while you are on the narrow shoulder two feet away. This has now happened three times, scaring the Hell out of me. More than one of our riders has bailed into the grass beside the road, while fantasizing about throwing their water bottle at the car and smashing their windshield.

I finished this long, grueling, day tired but happy.

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