Salisbury Beach

Salisbury Beach
Thank You Katie, Mary, Caitlin and Brian

Saturday, April 30, 2011

30 April 2011 Fast America Day 7

 Gallup, NM to Albuquerque, NM

Mileage:                     138.11 miles
Riding Time:              8:09     Riding Speed 16.9 mph
Total Time:                 9:40
Climbing:                    2937 ft.
Flats:                           1

This is the second of three consecutive 130+ mile days (not counting tomorrow’s rest day) and was much harder than yesterday. It went up for the first 25 miles, and was then basically downhill the rest of the day except for a 400 ft. 6-7% bump at the end, that seemed endless at the time.

There was a huge weather change. It was 32 F when we started and I wore a vest, long fingered gloves, and arm and leg warmers most of the day. My fingers still froze. Unlike yesterday, which I rode entirely alone, I did ride a four person paceline (to which I contributed almost nothing) for about 40 miles mid day. Because it was cool, I had no problems ith my foot.

Really not much more to say about a grind-it-out day, until I got to the hotel. Gregg, who leaves us tomorrow (He thinks that attending the New Orleans Jazz Festival is more important than riding all the way) came in after me and greeted me: “Chris, did you have your flat today?”. I lamely answered “Yes, of course” and he said “But I’m sure that was a girlie flat, let me show you a real flat. (apologies to those of you who are offended, but I have to report accurately). Well, he had a flat to end all flats on the fast descent into Albuquerque (I clocked my ride high speed of 45+ mph). He had a nail; not just any nail, but a fancy cabinetry nail, run clear through the middle of his tire casing through the rim. It will definitely make replacing the tube problematic. Fortunately, he only lost the last 10-15 miles of his ride in the SAG Wagon. More on the luck of the draw in tomorrow’s day-off blog.

I’ll have more on my reflections on the week and my fear of Monday’s Queen Stage (Wikipedia: The most difficult stage of a multi-day road race, typically involving multiple low- or beyond-category climbs.) in tomorrows post. This is hard, and when this is over I definitely

Friday, April 29, 2011

29 April 2010 Fast America Day 6

Winslow, AZ to Gallup, NM

Mileage:                     134.05 miles
Riding Time:              6:33     Riding Speed 20.4 mph
Total Time:                 8:09
Climbing:                    3305 ft.
Flats:                           2

There was a different game plan today. Gallup is 1600 feet above Winslow, and it was straight up all the way for 134 miles. But if you do the math it works out to only 12 feet of elevation gain per mile. Most every cyclist dreams of doing a century in 5 hours (except for those who dream of doing it in 4 hours). I completed the first 100 miles in 4:57:03, a time I had not reached since 1975. And the final 34 miles were even faster.

How is this possible? I always thought that Bob Seeger wrote the song Against the Wind for me. No matter where I was going with my bicycle, the wind would be in my face. Well – not today! Today was payback time for all those headwinds. The wind at our backs was 25-40 mph. I didn’t think that it was possible for a wind to push you uphill, but today it did. Of course when one stopped, it also was capable of blowing you over, and thankfully, it was never a serious crosswind. I did have trouble riding back from the hotel after I had checked in to Denny’s for my post ride milk shake, though. I am very, very grateful for the wind direction today; if we had been going the other way, I don’t think that the day would have been possible.

A great day for me; and I was among the first riders to finish, ahead of the van. I shouldn’t be tired; my pulse never got above 120 all day, but I think that the wind and the sun took a toll; my face is burning (under layers of SPF 50 sun block) and although I feel hot, the motel air conditioner is giving me chills. I did lose another water bottle on the incredibly rough streets leading to the hotel, and my sunglasses just disappeared at the last rest stop. I looked everywhere but it is possible that I put them down and they blew away. I do have another pair.

Please children, the riders were all serious and experienced and respectful of Mother Nature. Don’t try this at home! I only know of one rider who was blown into the sage brush (and not into Interstate 40) but we were all fighting it.

There were 35 flats today among us (I had one, and also blew up my replacement tube because the bead was not set properly, so I will count that as two). Most were caused by little tiny wires that are remnants from truck tires that blow up (the shoulder is littered with tire parts). I wondered where they came from until I saw a tire blow up on the pickup truck just ahead of me. There was rubber everywhere.

Tomorrow is another 135 mile day to Albuquerque. I am beginning to get a little afraid of the weather, which has been good to us so far. A cold front is coming in and it will only be 31 F at departure time tomorrow. Sunday is a rest day. I need to do some work on the computer, go to the bike shop, and I will have dinner with my friend Marcia; whmo I have not seen for many, many years.

For a slightly different perspective of the ride, and some great pictures, see Mike’s blog at:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

28 April 2011 Fast America Day 5

28April 2011
Fast America Day 5

Cottonwood, AZ to Winslow, AZ

Mileage:                     109.18 miles
Riding Time:              7:50     Riding Speed 13.8 mph
Total Time:                 10:02
Climbing:                    5360 ft.
Flats:                           1

The plan for today was simple: ride up for 40 miles, and hope you get to the next motel from there. We rode through the beautiful red rock toursity town of Sedona, with an informal SAG stop at the Episcopal Church (Mike’s daugheter’s mother in law is the pastor there and she wanted to make sure that we had enough nourishment.

The ride went up for 4,000 feet and then down for 2,000, but there were some surprises. 4,000 feet in 40 miles doesn’t sound like much, but check out the wiggles in the map on one of the links above at about mile 33. We climbed a wall like I have never seen. When I got to the top, I went to the scenic viewpoint and said “No way did I climb that!” But my Garmin doesn’t lie, I did. As Mike said: “If you fall from the overlook at the top, you will bounce on the road 4 times on the way down.”

I think that the Eagles nailed the ambiance of Winslow perfectly. There was a mural on the building on the corner but it burned down. Rather than write about it myself; here is the link:

BUT our fearless tour leaders said we could either eat at Denny’s, or take a cab to a fantastic restaurant, About half of us opted for the latter. If you are ever in Winslow, go to the Turquoise Room at the Posada Hotel and tell them Chris sent you it’s a real winner.

We actually went there in an Econolodge van, but Steve and I walked back a mile and a half or so because we didn’t want to wait for the van.

My right knee: all better. I can even tie my shoe laces without painful contortions.

My left foot: I need to continually monitor it. So far, so good.

We don’t get our route sheet for tomorrow until tomorrow. I know we ride 130 miles, but I have learned two things: the published (pre ride) climbing totals are not very meaningful and the mileage is always greater than the published number.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

27 April 2011 Fast America Day 4

Wickeburg, AZ to Cottonwood, AZ

Mileage:                      104.75 miles
Riding Time:              9:17     Riding Speed 11.3 mph
Total Time:                10:41
Climbing:                   8385 ft.
Flats:                           0!!!!!

The hardest climbing day is now behind me. Wow, was it a long day.

There is one big difference between 8485 feet of climbing at home and in Arizona. There is shade at home; there is none in Arizona.

The second difference is that I had never, ever, climbed a 7% grade into a 30mph headwind. Fortunately, after awhile the mountain blocked the wind, or I would still be out there. We hit 7,000 feet elevation and then had a 4,000 foot howling descent. I stopped half way down to take pictures of the incredible view of red and white cliffs, and also because I had to nurse my numb hands back to life; the road was very bumpy.

But everyone made it. Four of us were a little slower than the rest, but I was NOT the last one in (not counting the guys who stopped for hamburgers in the very cool town of Jerome, an old copper mining town hugging the cliffs).

But my foot was no problem until the third and hardest climb; I stopped at the top to take care of it before the hair raising descent.

Tomorrow, we go through the beautiful town of Sedona, on the way to our motel in Winslow (I don’t have the map yet, but I am sure it is on a corner that I can stand on). The rule of thumb is that if you can make it to Albuquerque, you can make it all the way; and I am half way to Albuquerque. To make the last 2,000 feet of climbing, though, I needed to mentally break it down to twenty 100 foot climbs. Every once in awhile my brain has said “time to quit” and I’ve told it to shut up.

You’ll notice that these entries are getting shorter. Maybe I will have more time after the 80 mile days in Kansas, but I need to return my borrowed computer, shower and get to the session where I learn about tomorrow. And, lest I forget, I need to eat too.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

26 April 2011 Fast America Day 3

Blythe, CA to Wickeburg, AZ

Mileage:                      1109.9 miles
Riding Time:              6:46     Riding Speed 16.4 mph
Total Time:                8:54
Climing:                     3788 ft.
Flats:                           1

Today started out badly, and ended well.

I was all ready to go when I discovered the dreaded motel room flat. My front tire was flat. Mike easily diagnosed it – there was gravel in the tire bead from changing the tire in the howling wind at the end of Day 1. So now I have had two flats, and I have had each of them twice! When will I ever learn?

Also, my knee had frozen up overnight and at first I could not clip in and when I did, I could go no more than 11 mph. I said “This is going to be a long day”. But after 15 minutes, I was spinning just fine.

So I got a late start, and at mile 15 or so, I saw everyone standing on an off ramp yelling at me to get off. There was road construction ahead and the sheriff kicked us off the Interstate. As the staff explained patiently: You may ride every AVAILABLE mile, but this is inevitable on every trip. I found out that they had had to register their route with the DOT. If I had been alone, the sheriff might have just thrown my bike in the back of her car. So this took five miles off of our trip and, more importantly, 500 feet off the climbing. It also wasted a half hour. The day was one long shallow climb, followed by a 10 mile fast descent. It wasn’t too hot and although my foot was hurting by each SAG stop, 5 minutes of elevation was good for another 25 miles.

The rest of the day was uneventful, except for the 25 mph crosswinds. Everyone, including me, rode strong. Clay, whose computer I am now using, took a spill; I don’t know what happened but he has beautiful road rash.

Tomorrow WE CLIMB.

25 April 2011 Fast America Day 2

Palm Springs, CA to Blythe, CA

Mileage:                      137.50 miles
Riding Time:              7:50
Total Time:                9:27
Climing:                     2572 ft.
Flats:                           1

The morning was beautiful, and instead of the mass start of yesterday, I set out with four others. The first twenty or so miles were through the neighborhoods of Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage (??) and La Quinta. To give you an idea: the bike paths had icons of golf carts on them.

But today I think things sunk in: the little things are going to accumulate over the next month. Note: this post won’t go out tonight, because the motel wireless doesn’t work, and I left my computer charger in Costa Mesa. After a number of phone calls and messages that didn’t get passed from one shift to the next properly, it will rejoin me in Winslow, AZ on Thursday.

Mile 7.5: Another flat. This one for no reason at all so I am sure that it came from a poorly done repair on the road yesterday. Hey: it is hard changing a tire in a 30 mph wind on the side of a freeway after riding 100 miles. But doing it in a park the next morning while fresh is a piece of cake. Speaking of winds: I did not make up the wind yesterday. There were Extreme Wind warnings out, and I believe that some roads were closed.

Mile 17: An embarrassing pratfall. Where I live, near the ocean, people are familiar with looking to the horizon and not being able to tell where the sky ends and the water begins. The desert has a similar phenomenon: you can’t tell where the road ends and the sand begins. So I took a little trip into the sand; thinking that it was the same hard packed dirt I was used to at home. After the tires dug in to slow me from 20 to 5 mph, I did an Arte Johnson imitation (if you are too young to understand the reference, ask your parents about Laugh In). I could pretend that it did not happen but Jim (one of the ABB Mechanics) caught up to me just as it happened. He stopped, allegedly to help, but perhaps to laugh. Note: Jim was riding sweep, which means that at this point I was probably the last rider on the road. I ended the day, however, 11th of the 25 riders at the motel. I thought that the fall was no big deal, but my knee won’t bend. It is fine while spinning but, for example, I can’t raise my foot high enough to cleat in the way I normally do, and I couldn’t stand up after sitting on the toilet earlier. I just spent 20 minutes icing it.

After all this, I found myself with four riders and we were hammering. I tried not to take a turn at the front, but when I did, I found myself riding away from them (no sudden acceleration, which would be bad form unworthy of an experienced cyclist) but the next strongest guy couldn’t hold my wheel. After slowing and waiting a couple of times, I said the heck with it and just rode off.

About mile 45, after the town of Mecca, we started the one 2,000 ft. climb of the day. It was only 2-3%, but went on forever; through the most incredible scenery. I did not stop for pictures (but took a few from the bike) because Mike (tour leader) took many (note: he will take about 3,000 pictures, which will ultimately be on a DVD and his web site, which I will link to this blog. Most everyone caught me by the lunch stop at Chiriaco (sp?) summit. From that point it was all downhill with a tailwind to Blythe. I averaged well over 20 the rest of the way; 60 of the 70 miles were on Interstate 10.

Rumble Strips: These are probably a good invention, and they delineated a clear spacing between the giant trucks and us. Most of you have probably ridden over one of these in a car; trust me; the experience is amplified 10 fold in a bike at 30 mph. After one freeway entrance, the rumble strip machine must have gone berserk, and the strip was the entire width of the shoulder. We’ll all remember that experience. And there was a 6 mile stretch where the freeway pavement was beautiful but the stress cracks on the shoulder (perpendicular to the road every 5-10 ft.) were left to grow. We were all longing for the Flanders pave instead, and we actually had to drop our speed about 10 mph to make it bearable.

My Achilles Foot: My Achilles Heel is my Foot (sorry for the pun). Because of the bloot clot after my foot operation about 5 years ago, my foot/leg are prone to swell on hot days (it was 90 today; without a hint of shade). When it swells, it causes a phenomenon called “hot foot”. In other words, my foot feels like it is on fire. I have learned that if I lie down with my leg up for five minutes, I can make it go away for about an hour of riding; so that is how I spend my SAG stops (there are 2-3 per day, including lunch). But I am sure that I caused some rubbernecking, when I just had to stop to elevate my leg lying on the desert sand beside the freeway at about mile 105.

Motel: Checked in to my room, unpacked and spread stuff all over the bed, got ice for my knee, started to undress to shower, etc. and looked around for a spot to sit down to take my compression socks off (a difficult task). Where did the luggage on the couch come from? Turns out someone was already in the room. Took 25 minutes to sort out; because the front desk person wisely decided not to move me into a smoking room, which was available.

Words of encouragement: At the evening session to go over tomorrow’s ride; which finishes at Wickenburg, AZ; 2,000 ft. + higher than Blythe Mike gave a little speech, saying that we were the best matched group that has ever done this tour. His point was that maybe there had been a better rider or two in the past, but we were well matched. There is no one who doesn’t belong on this ride (the staff responsibility for keeping track of someone 30 miles down, must be horrendous). We’ve all finished within about 30 minutes of each other the first two days, there are no out of control egos, and everyone is helping everyone else.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

24 April 2011 Fast America Day 1

Mileage:                     114.26 miles
Riding Time:              6:50
Total Time:                 8:45 (with wheel dipping ceremony and flats)
Flats:                           2

Well, the start couldn’t get much better than this. We rode to the Pacific Ocean, dunked our wheels, and took pictures. Then it was 32 miles along the Santa Ana River bike and equestrian path (didn’t see any horses). I am not a big fan of bike paths, but 32 miles of grimy LA streets isn’t so nice either. In many places, there were separate paths for pedestrians, dogs, etc. We kept a steady tempo, almost single file, and generally stayed together. One guy went off the front and someone went with him, only to drop back complaining that Mr. Hot Shot didn’t communicate (bicycling etiquette is to point out potholes and pedestrians, both verbally and by pointing). But EVERYONE else was someone I’d really like to ride with. Yesterday’s safety lesson had sunk in and no one did anything dumb. I remained at the front (but not actually setting the pace) and very attentive.

After the path (which seemed flat, but had an elevation gain of 500 feet) there was a little climbing, and I drifted back, only to catch back after the climb. We began to break up into groups of four or so. At the first real climb, I fell behind the lead group by about 5 minutes and we hit lunch at 60 miles. After lunch we motored 14 miles to the major climb of the day behind the Norwegian giant, Lasse, who is my size (or would be if I gained 25 pounds). But he can hammer (fitting – he trains by riding from Lillehammer to his home in Oslo). There were four of us, and we caught another group of 3 just before the climb.

And then a miracle happened: the lone female rider, Shelley, went off the front for a mile but then slowly I reeled her in. And then: I was all alone? I had dropped everyone else! The others told me later that they had stopped to take pictures, but regardless, I just motored the 6 miles to the top of the grade (at about my PR Old La Honda pace). Lasse joined me briefly, and at the top one of the other riders caught me but from that point it was all downhill.

Has anyone reading this ever ridden Interstate 10? I do not recommend it. It is usually bumper to bumper trucks, but on this Easter, it was almost empty: but the shoulder wasn’t, it was filled with crap. I learned a lesson: don’t follow another rider at 30 mph on the freeway shoulder. I hit something, flatted both wheels, and lost my water bottle (I discovered later). But there was a downhill tailwind and I averaged 27 mph for the last 24 miles. Question: when is a tailwind not a tailwind. Answer: when it is a crosswind. We had been warned, but a 30 mph crosswind carrying stinging sand particles, while you are going 30 mph is very difficult. It took all my strength to stay on the shoulder; and when I hit the sand that had blown across the road (probably about 3 inches deep) I prayed.

I am checked in my cozy hotel room, had a great meal at a Mediterranean cafĂ©, and all is well with the world. The ride leaders  have promised us however, that every day will not be like today!

Good night, all. Breakfast at 5:30 tomorrow. It’s a 133 mile day to Blythe.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fast America Day 0 23 April 2011 - Costa Mesa, CA

I woke up at 7:00 (i.e., I slept in) and had a leisurely breakfast. I returned the rental car to the airport and rode back; I used Google Maps for Bikes to find a route and was pleasantly surprised; it was good streets and no traffic. But I could not resist turning it into a 20 mile easy spin. I found myself on the Pacific Coast Highway. Lots and lots of weekend cyclists but it made me very thankful to live where I do. If I had to ride here all the time I would live in constant fear of being doored. At one point, I found myself in a paceline with about 8 cyclists; when we slowed for a turning car, one guy went around the car and used it as a blocker to attack, which shredded the paceline; I was very proud of myself for resisting the competitive urge to join in. Note: I took the last three days off, but since I kept today below 20 mph I rationalized that it didn’t count and I really took today off too.

We all met for a get acquainted session at 3:00 this afternoon. There are 21 riders (plus 4 going just as far as Albuquerque). Most of the riders are in their 40s and 50s; I am the oldest – the next oldest is three years younger. The group is very diverse (except only one female) but they all have one thing in common: this has been their dream for some time.

There are four support staff, including two very good mechanics, in two SAG Wagons. They are extremely well organized and extremely safety conscious, which is good. The get acquainted session lasted 3 ½ hours, which just left time for dinner at Outback Steak House, finishing this blog and getting packed for tomorrow. I’ve been to a number of bicycle safety lectures and this one was head and shoulders above the rest; summarizing everything with VAPOR. Here are the guidelines for cycling:

  • Visible
  • Assertive
  • Predictable
  • Observant
  • Responsible

Note: The safety instructions included very good guidelines for how to navigate on/off ramps on Interstates. We’ll spend some time on them. Tomorrow’s route takes us from the Pacific Ocean to Palm Springs, with only 1.6 miles on I-10.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

04-17-2011 Special Need Childrens Center Foundation Pedal to the Metal

I returned today to the San Jose Hellyer Park Velodrome; riding on it for the first time since I was taken away in an ambulance with a broken collarbone 32 years ago. The accident was all my fault and it led to my son Brian’s first two word sentence: “Daddy Hurts”.

The event was put on by the Special Need Childrens Center Foundation and it served as the Prologue for my Fast America ride. A good time was had by all, as you can see in these photos:

04-16-2011 Tierra Bella Century

Today was the final long ride in preparation for the trip. Tierra Bella features 6700 feet of climbing in two large chunks, the most serious of which is the 2500 foot slog up to Henry Coe State Park above Morgan Hill. I rode most of the route with Mike Moore, and portions with several people from SS/L and Tom Stanis and Alexander Komlik of SJBC.

The Good:        Finished in 7:32, almost a half hour better than last year. The 10 mile interval from 90 to 100 miles averaged 20 mph, aided by a good tailwind and slight downhill most of the way (but that tailwind had been a headwind earlier).

The Bad:          My foot hurt towards the end, including a bruise which is developing on my right heel. I have neuropathy in my feet, which means that I cannot feel what is going on down there, so I need to check every day for blisters, etc. I will use a bandage on the bruise to try to protect it.

03-26-2011 Solvang Double Century

I rode this last year – the spring weather was gorgeous; not so this year. I watched the weather forecast all week; it was rainy down south but Saturday was supposed to be in the 60s with a chance of showers.

My wife Mary and I drove down on Friday. I forgot my water bottles, but we got there in plenty of time to find a bike store and buy two new bottles.

I planned to start at 5:00 AM on Saturday so as to be sure to be back in daylight and in time to go to dinner with Mary. As often happens on the night before, I awoke at 1:30 AM and every thirty minutes thereafter until the alarm rang at 4:00. The day seemed cold but beautiful so I opted for arm and leg warmers and my SS/L vest. FIRST PROBLEM: couldn't find my right arm warmer. Oh well, I figured I'd just be cold for two hours but one less thing to stuff in my jersey pocket in the afternoon. But looking for the arm warmer cost me some time so I started about 5:10, which was good, because there were a lot of riders in front of me that I could follow - and of course I followed about 20 of them off the course. The 1 1/2 mile steep downhill was great, until we realized that we had to climb back up to find the course again.

The ride is uphill for 30 miles. I was going great; I ended up with 6 guys from Utah and I had no trouble keeping pace to the top. After 80 miles I was on pace for a 5:30 century. And then: the great fire hose in the sky opened up and shortly afterward I had my first flat of the day. Little could I imagine what was in store for the rest of the day.

I finished the first 100 miles in 5:36 (not counting time for fixing the flat) which was 1 minute faster than the MegaMonster TTT. And in spite of the incessant rain, after about 140 miles I was still on pace for finishing in under 12 hours.

But the second flat after 105 miles took a little longer to fix; and I discovered that the valve stem of one of my three spare tubes had broken off. The SAG wagon stopped and the driver sold me three new tubes.

By the time I had my third flat at 125 miles, the temperature had dropped to 53 from 56 and I had learned to drink from the rooster spray of the wheel in front of me - I kid you not! The water was good, except for the grit that now lined my lips. My fingers no longer worked, so in order to get the tube from my vest pocket, I had to remove my vest.

Up until mile 140 I had not been passed by anyone all day, and I had been picking off people right and left. I was still riding strong. But then we hit a stretch of Southern California cobblestone equivalent. It was basically an agriculture access road. At the end of it another tube gave up the ghost. Fixing this one took a good 20 minutes; the first five of which were spent trying to unscrew the Presta valve to let the rest of the air out. I finally did it with my bloodless gray fingers on the 10th try. All this time spent playing with my wheels in the pouring rain had taken its toll. From the Garmin record of the ride I can see my power output plunge and my speed slow. My left hand was no longer capable of shifting to the large chain ring; but I had no trouble reaching over with my right hand to pull on the lever (as opposed to pushing with my left hand).

Thankfully, I was never out of sight of other riders, so I prayed that they knew the route; my route sheet had turned to mush and most of the turns were not marked. The good news is that I had no trouble with the 1500 foot climb that started at mile 160. By this time, everyone was riding their own pace and about half the time someone passed me and half the time the other way around. I thought that I should call Mary and tell her that I would be late, but that would have taken me 15 minutes to fish the phone out of my pocket and figure out how to push the buttons so I decided to just press on. In spite of the weather and the flats, I finished in 12:45, about 45 minutes less riding time than last year, with the last 120 miles were in a freezing downpour. Note: it was also 8 ½ miles longer than last year.

Here are some post ride pictures:

The first picture must be what I looked like (it's actually a still from a video; I don't think that I was really that blurry); and as you can see in the second picture, I could still smile. And after a shower and a plate of pasta carbonara, I watched the Stanford B-Ball women win their game in the bar with Mary.

Some other miscellany:
  • • The huge pothole that was under water. I was with about ten people and water bottles, tail lights and tool kits flew everywhere. Oncoming traffic saw what was happening and stopped, but the idiot in the pickup behind us thought that was an invitation to speed up and pass us.
  • The stalled car on the hill with its flashers on. There was lots of room on the right to pass, until the passenger opened the right hand door right in front of a guy on a fixie, who ended up in the ditch. He told us when he caught back on that the driver got mad at him for not volunteering to push it up the hill!
  • I am sure I am now famous for my one armed fashion statement! Got lots of funny looks and sarcastic comments. I also had fingerless gloves, but I don't think that it made a difference after a certain point.
  • The evening before was beautiful and the drive back was under powder blue skies and fluffy clouds until we got to Gilroy.
  • Mary was looking for me to arrive and tells me that I was in the first half of the group; I did see people still streaming in at 10:00 when we left the bar.
  • I developed a bruise on the back of my left heel, and I could hardly walk Saturday night and Sunday morning.
  • And finally - I wondered what the noise from my rear brake was the last ten miles - no brake pad.